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Meet with KSOC at KubeCon North America 2023
November 7-9, 2023 
Join KSOC in supporting Hak4Kidz

Heading to KubeCon North America? Meet with KSOC and you'll be supporting Hak4Kidz, a Chicago-based nonprofit dedicated to educating youths about cyber security safety, engineering, technology and more.

We are going swagless. Instead, we are donating:

  • $20 per badge scan
  • $100 per 30-minute meeting

Triage risk across your clusters in real-time

Get efficient with a prioritized, connected view of your cloud native security.

Liberate your Kubernetes shop from the never-ending, whack-a-mole process of securing the individual puzzle pieces of Kubernetes separately. Connect the pieces and jumpstart your productivity with connected, Kubernetes-centric security.

With KSOC, less is more for vulnerability management and an automated gap assessment, which take into account relationships between K8s components, not individual findings. To effectively reduce your blast radius, understand the impact of enforcing policy and use transparent, customizable policies.

The Kubernetes Security Operations Center (KSOC) maps a broad set of cluster components to a real-time graph for new efficiencies through compound risks, highest impact remediations and contextualized incident response.

 Want to learn more? Meet with us at KubeCon North America 2023. 

Request a Meeting


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We are located all the way to the back of the secondary entrance and to the left, near the lounge area.